Displaying 0 - 5 of 5
Sequence Number | text-853 | email-369 | phonetext-827 | text-903 | textarea-609 | Entry ID |
1 | Saksham Kumar | saksham.chawaria@gmail.com | +447586236245 | MBA | 4882 | |
2 | Rupa Singh | rupag12@gmail.com | +447424337791 | designer | Dear Hiring Team,
My name is Rupa Singh and I am applying for the job opportunity. I have
9 years experience in mobile app design and book illustration designing. Ever
since I took Udemy Courses during the pandemic
a) ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Training (CTFL)
b) Complete Web & Mobile designer, UI/ UX design
I became fascinated and began devoting my spare time to learning about
product development and design. I took a gap due to the responsibility of
raising kids good.
Your Sincerely,
Rupa Singh | 4677 |
3 | Nimisha M | nimisha.madhwaraj@gmail.com | +971563368655 | Hr/admin | 4647 | |
4 | Praneethraj | praneethrajbhat12@gmail.comn | +447776629565 | Cybersecurity Analyst | 4451 | |
5 | Sadhana Upadhyay | 123@mail.com | 12378945+6 | IT | hELLO TEST MSG | 4414 |