Smt Bhavna Pandita
Smt. Bhavna Pandita is a Kashmiri Hindu living in exile in her own country from last 32 years, a victim to Genocide and Islamic jihad in Kashmir. She has done her Masters in Mathematics & worked as a Professor but later on gave up her stable & relaxed job to do the social service for the needy and downtrodden. She and her husband have been been leading from the front in Covid times by forming a team of volunteers named as Sharika Volunteers to reach out to covid sufferers. The Team has so far served food to thousands, helped people with medicines, oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, beds in hospitals and even cremation of covid deaths.
Besides this, she is a proud Sanatani Kashmiri and working on preserving Indias ancient culture, language and heritage in the Kashmir valley, which is on a decline due to the exodus. Her research and praxis in preserving cultural heritage goes beyond the traditional extension research/activities and integrates communication science with community-based approaches to promote cultural awareness. She has spearheaded and conducted hundreds of workshops and competitions to encourage younger generation to be proud of their ancient roots and inculcate spirit of service towards the nation.

Shri Bhushan Mocherla
Shri Bhushan Mocherla is an adjunct Professor at Business School, Georgia Institute of Technology and has 30+ years of Professional Experience in various IT Leadership and Management positions in Fortune 500 Companies. With a wide varied corporate experience, he is also the Chairman and Managing Director of RiVi Group of Companies in USA.
He is actively involved in promoting Sanatan Dharma in USA along with leading the Sampark initiative in USA. He is the founding Member of Hindu PAC and Advisor to Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA). The feather in the cap is SiddhaAshram in Atlanta which is being built over 500 acres, having a 108 feet Statue of Sri. Adi Shankaracharya, Veda Pathashala, Gau Shala, Vedic Farming, 108 Havan Kund, and many other traditional Sanatani Initiatives, making it a Centre of Excellence in Sanatan Dharma.

Shri Ravinder Pandita
Mr Ravinder Pandita is a Kashmiri Hindu living in Exile in his own country since 32 years, a direct victim of genocide & Islamic Jihad in Kashmir. He holds Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and various IT certifications. He has over 2 decades of experience in IT infrastructure management worked with many large MNC’s in the leadership positions. Adding to Ravinder’s experience, he has been instrumental in implementation of state of the art Data Centre’s, ODC’s, Complete Business Continuity planning, New office infra setups which includes setting up MPLS/IPLC’s for data connectivity and Cisco IP telephony for voice connectivity across India and globe. A hardcore technical expert in the field of IT and a proven social activist helping underprivileged and less fortunate people.

Dr. Sumant Mishra
Dr. Sumant Mishra is a Pediatric Dentist associated with Ministry of Health, Kuwait since 2009 and since then is being awarded (11 years continuous) Merit of Excellence, from Ministry of Health. He completed his Masters in Clinical Paediatric Dentistry from Queen Mary University of London, UK. He also has Postgraduate Certificate Courses (with Honors) from University of Helsinki, Finland and Fellowship in Laser Dentistry (University of Genoa, Italy). Dr Mishra completed his BDS (Gold-Medallist) from University of Delhi, India.
Dr Sumant Mishra is an active social-worker, a philanthropist and prefers to spend his weekend/free-time pursuing various free voluntary Oral Health Activities. Dr Mishra is an avid writer on health issues in various print medias as well as a guest speaker on local and international TV Channels. His recent project is to convert his adopted village in India into a Digital Library cum Tele-Medicine Center to educate and provide easy and free healthcare access to rural population.